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Tips for Controlling Your Pet’s Shedding

Tips for Controlling Your Pet’s Shedding

Pet Control Near Me There was a time, a long time ago, when I naïvely thought that pet shedding was seasonal. I used to think the…
The Dachshund Breed: Feisty Badger Dog of Germany

The Dachshund Breed: Feisty Badger Dog of Germany

Dachshund Dog Breed Information The Dachshund may not look feisty, but this short-legged dog is a badger's worse enemy. This …
“Pets Hiding” Photo Contest – Win Free CANIDAE!

“Pets Hiding” Photo Contest – Win Free CANIDAE!

By Julia Williams Dogs and cats love to hide, don’t they? They hide under our rugs, blankets and bedspreads. They hide behind the…
 How to Get a Cat to Drink Water: The Science Behind

How to Get a Cat to Drink Water: The Science Behind

The Science Behind How a Cat Drinks I'm one of “those” people who can sit and watch my cats for hours, observing what they do…
Symptoms of Addison’s Disease in Dogs

Symptoms of Addison’s Disease in Dogs

Addison's disease or syndrome is the counterpart of Cushing’s disease in that the body produces too little of a cortison…